Kids Homework Help
Kids Homework Help
Curated just for kids in grades K-8, these online resources are a great place to start on a project, report, or homeschool unit.
Books and E-Books
Practice your reading or find books for a report, project, or lesson.
EBSCO eBooks Cricket Media Subscription Collection
Build strong literacy skills in students from pre-K to 8th grade by offering digital access to award-winning, short-form fiction and nonfiction titles.
EBSCO eBooks K-5 Subscription Collection
This e-book collection supports a quality learning experience for K-8 students across all subject areas taught in elementary and middle schools.
NoveList K-8 Plus
Reading recommendations for kids' fiction and nonfiction that you can search by Lexile, subject, and grade level.
A library of 1000+ animated e-books, puzzles, games, and videos. Includes popular picture books, early readers, and chapter books with materials in English, Spanish, and French.
Info Search
Browse to learn something new, or search for topics using our library databases. You will find basic information, articles from newspapers or magazines, pictures, videos, and e-books.
Explora for Elementary Schools
Browse to learn something new, or search for specific topics. Includes encyclopedia entries, articles, videos, pictures, and e-books. Click to learn more about using Explora for Elementary Schools.
Points of View Reference Center
Resources for students to understand issues, develop criticial thinking skills, and develop persuasive arguments. Includes essays, overviews, articles, and transcripts on citizens' rights, earth and environmental issues, global issues, health and medicine, and media and communications. Click here to watch a video about Points of View Reference Center.