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Home | Sugar Grove Public Library

Location & Hours
125 S. Municipal Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
(630) 466-4686
eMail the Reference Desk
Mon - Thur:9a - 8p
Fri:9a - 6p
Sat:10a - 4p
Sun:2p - 6p

Borrowing Information

Loan Periods

ItemLoan PeriodRenewals
New Books21 daysNo renewals
New Audiobooks21 daysNo renewals
New DVDs7 daysNo renewals
New Video Games21 daysNo renewals
New CDs21 daysNo renewals
New Periodicals7 daysNo renewals
Books21 days2 renewals for items without holds
Audiobooks21 days2 renewals for items without holds
DVDs21 days2 renewals for items without holds
Video Games21 days, Limit 2 per patron2 renewals for items without holds
CDs21 days2 renewals for items without holds
Board Games & Puzzles21 days2 renewals for items without holds
Library of Wonderful Things7 days, Limit 2 per household, Hotspots 1 per householdNo renewals
Kindle Paperwhites21 days, Limit 1 per patronNo renewals
Kits21 days, Limit 1 per patronNo renewals
Launch Pads21 days, Limit 1 per patronNo renewals
Back Issues of Periodicals21 days2 renewals for items without holds
InterLibrary Loan (ILLs)Determined by loaning libraryContact us 7 days before due date to request

Automatic Renewals

Eligible items are set to automatically renew three days from the due date and can be renewed twice. (This applies to items checked out starting July 1, 2023.)


  • Renewal limits have been met
  • There are any holds on the item
  • The items are e-media resources (LIBBY, AXIS 360, HOOPLA)
  • The item is on interlibrary loan
  • The account is blocked

Patrons with a valid email will receive an email that will list any items that were declined. There are no notifications for patrons without a valid email. Items will start accruing fines after the due date. 


  • NEW items (books, CD’s, DVD’s, audiobooks, video games & magazines)
  • Boardbooks
  • Items from the Library of Wonderful Things

Returning Items

During open hours materials may be returned to the library at the circulation desk or at the drop boxes in the front entry. Materials may be returned at any time at the drive up drop boxes located at the rear of the library.

Overdue Fines

The Sugar Grove Public Library charges fees to patrons for items returned past their due date. It is the responsibility of patrons to keep track of due dates and return items on time. We recommend patrons keep their item receipts or log into their online accounts to check when items are due. Patrons who choose to receive library notices via email or text message will receive courtesy notices two days before items are due. Overdue notices are not sent out for overdue items until 7 days after they are due.

Video games and Kindles: $1.00 per day
Rokus and Wi-fi Hotspots: $5.00 per day
All other Library of Wonderful Things items: $2.00 per day
All other items: $0.20 per day


Lost Material Fee: Replacement price of the item, as determined by the Library.
Reparable Damage to Item: $4.00
Lost Item Barcode or Security Tag: $1.00
Lost Library Card: $1.00 replacement fee
Inter-Library Loan Fee:$3.00 postage fee for some materials.
Photocopies and Prints: Black & White $0.10 per page, Color $0.50 per page
Faxes: $1.00 per page
Reciprocal Borrowing Cards: Free to cardholders in good standing who belong to libraries supported by taxes.